The game provides the option to the player of playing the game on either the single-player mode or the multiplayer mode.

Each of these characters has their abilities and unique skills which will help the player to win the game.

The game mainly features four characters which are Aidan, Heather, Grant, and Maya. The overkill’s The walking dead developed by Overkill Software is an amazing game with the first-person perspective in shooting emphasizing mainly on cooperative gameplay. Must See – No Man’s Sky Next Download Full Game PC For Free Gameplay The gameplay of the game has been programmed by Martin Waern and the engine of the game was programmed by Hubert Sarret. The game emphasizes cooperative gameplay. The game has been produced by Olivier Berteil, Lars Bonde, Aitor Roda, Tatsugoro Kawakami, and Saul Gascon. The game has been composed by Gustavo Coutinho Pereira released under the unreal engine 4 on the 6th of November in 2018. The Overkill’s The Walking Dead is a video game based on first-person perspective developed by the overkill software and published by the star breeze publishing the game has amazing script written by Tobias Bodlund, Jesse Barksdale, Kelsey Howard, Hampus Gross, and Thomas Conroy. Single-player video game, Multiplayer video game PlayStation 4, Microsoft Windows, Xbox One